We do what we love Whether you are selling or staying We are a team of stylists, designers & creators putting our passion, creativity, heart & soul into our designs We love pushing the boundaries, staying on trend & our unique style sets us apart We love working with fabulous people that allow our creative edge to be explored When we are done we stand back and are proud of what our team has created We’re lucky to be able to create, build and laugh everyday with our amazing team We hope we get to create a beautiful space for you.
Home stylers No Shrinking Violet required a web presence that would consolidate their brand and capture the essence of the company as creative, on trend and visually powerful.
Lead designer and business owner Julianne Hurst has a very keen eye that has set No Shrinking Violet apart from others in the home styling field and she knew exactly what she wanted in the website. The website should be clean and elegant creating space to showcase the rich imagery of No Shrinking Violet.
The design of this website captures the essence of No Shrinking Violet, matching the creativity and attention to detail of the NSV creative team. The use of white space allows the striking images to speak for themselves and in essence our job was to create a clean container that did just that.
As Julianne states in her website first impressions are critical and this website creates an impression to last, for all of the right reasons.
It’s an important investment, make it count.
The development of the No Shrinking Violet website was about creating a simple user experience with a site that performs well.
With a theme that suited the design requirements we were able to integrate a straight forward development process that keeps the site easy to maintain for the client and easily navigable by the end user.
The image heavy homepage relies on good image compression practices to keep the payload down to 1.5MB.
The resulting website is clean and minimal in design. Truly a case of where good design goes unnoticed, allowing the striking images of No Shrinking Violet to create a lasting impression with the site’s visitors. Julianne has a natural flair for finding beautiful objects and filling a space with contrast and balance. Our job was to capture the essence of how No Shrinking Violet works and transform it into an elegant website that showcases their work.
A pleasure to work with a company where class and style is at the forefront of everything they do.
Member Number 3544